
Joshua Speaks at the Private Wealth Texas Forum

posted on February 14th 2017 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts & WorthPointe News with 0 Comments

Joshua Wilson, Chief Investment Officer at WorthPointe, will be speaking at the Private Wealth Texas Forum in Dallas on February 27, 2017. This one-day meeting of the largest family offices, private banks and registered investment advisors based in Texas provides an educational overview of asset allocation and protection strategies for the private client intermediary. Joshua […]

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A Look Back at 2016 and What Might Be Ahead

posted on January 18th 2017 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

2016 has come and gone. It started out in a very rocky fashion, with comparisons to 2008 that were too numerous to count. Let’s be clear. As we’ve emphasized in past summaries, markets don’t always trade in a quiet and orderly fashion. But, just because we run into turbulence doesn’t mean it’s time to retreat […]

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Should My Financial Planner or Advisor Charge Me a Fee on Uninvested Cash?

posted on December 14th 2016 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts with 0 Comments

Financial Advisor Fee Structure, Should My Financial Planner or Advisor Charge Me a Fee on Uninvested Cash?

The answer to this question is not as simple as you might expect. Depending on the circumstances, the answer could be yes or no. I’ll help you understand those circumstances! What is the Difference Between Fee-Based, Commission-Based or Fee-Only? Critical to answering the question is an understanding of the difference between a fee-based advisor and […]

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How a WorthPointe Spouse Came to Appreciate Financial Planning and Her Husband’s Passion

posted on November 1st 2016 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts with 0 Comments

I recently had a chance to talk with Candace Addington and hear her story about how she came to appreciate financial planning. She’s been married to Matt, a WorthPointe partner and financial planner in the Fort Worth office, for 17 years. I’m sharing it because I think it will resonate with other married couples — and perhaps spur some thinking […]

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Step-by-step Guide for Writing a Killer Essay to Get Into College with a Scholarship in 2017

posted on October 14th 2016 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts with 0 Comments

All selective schools and nearly all scholarships have more qualified candidates than they have admissions slots and available funds. Whatever school you apply to and scholarship you apply for, there will be a list of basic “qualifier” stats. Even if you are far exceeding the minimum qualifications, expect that other candidates are as well. To […]

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Your ETF May Be About to Explode: Deutsche Bank

posted on October 10th 2016 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts with 0 Comments

I’m actually going to talk about “ETNs” (exchange traded notes), not “ETFs” (exchange traded funds), but the problem is most people don’t know the difference and use the terms interchangeably! If you aren’t 100% sure what you own, now is the time to find out because a major issuer of ETNs, Deutsche Bank, is having […]

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