
Do Robo-Advisors Dream of Electric Clients?

posted on July 5th 2017 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Austin Financial Planners: Do Robo-advisors dream of electric clients?

A Book Review: “Those who remain covet any living creature, and for people who can’t afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacra: horses, birds, cats, sheep. They’ve even built robot (“robo”) financial advisors. Immigrants to Mars receive robo advisors so sophisticated they are indistinguishable from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial […]

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May Market Commentary: Ignore the Distractions

posted on June 22nd 2017 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

The steady diet of headlines pouring out of the Trump administration has been unsettling for most Americans, regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum. We know equity markets loathe heightened uncertainty — and what is happening in Washington is generating an enormous amount of political uncertainty. The word “impeachment” has even been bandied […]

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So, You Just Won the Lottery; Now What?

Managing a lump sum, Financial Planners, San Diego Financial Planners, Austin Financial Planners

Successfully managing a financial windfall We’ve all heard the stories, if not firsthand, at least in various news reports and anecdotes. Some “lucky” person picks the winning numbers; prances before the cameras in what can only be described as a media lovefest; and lives happily ever after, free of financial worries. Sure, the first two points are […]

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VIDEO: The Difference Between a Broker and an Advisor

posted on May 11th 2017 in Fort Worth CFP Team Posts & WorthPointe News with 0 Comments

Did your “financial advisor” suggest that fund or option to you because it was the most beneficial for you or it gave them a leg-up to win their firm’s trip to Las Vegas? WorthPointe Chief Investment Advisor Joshua Wilson, CMT®, AIF® talks about the difference between fee-based financial advice and working with a fee-only financial […]

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