
Why Some Uber Drivers Are Losing Money

posted on April 6th 2015 in Austin CFP Team Posts & Market Commentary with 0 Comments


COST DEPRECIATION, CARS, AND UBER As a Certified Financial Planner® professional, I’ve been talking with clients about cost depreciation for years. The concept can be a little difficult to grasp, but it’s perhaps most clear when discussing automobiles, new cars in particular. Surely you’ve heard that when you drive your new car off the lot, […]

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Market Commentary March 2015

posted on March 6th 2015 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

In the midst of 2008-09’s downward economic spiral, gloom, and talk the economy could enter a Great Depression, the S&P 500 Index ended March 9, 2009 at 676.53, according to data provided by the St. Louis Federal Reserve. Few predicted at the time that stocks had put in a bottom, and investors had just given […]

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Market Commentary February 2015

posted on February 9th 2015 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

                            Volatility is a word analysts throw out frequently when markets gyrate sharply over a short period of time. One day it’s sheer ecstasy and the next day if feels like despair. Investopedia defines it this way: “Volatility refers to the amount […]

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Market Commentary January 2015

posted on January 8th 2015 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

What a predictable and very unpredictable year 2014 was. Yet, that could be said about every year! For starters, the U.S. economy picked up steam throughout 2014, and the S&P 500 Index racked up another double-digit gain following 2013’s 30% advance. The economic forecast was reasonable. Though a call for another double-digit advance may have […]

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