
The Morgan Report Q1 2022 Review: Stagflation – A Perspective

posted on April 18th 2022 in Financial Planning & Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Quite often, people and investment managers select what they think are superior investments via seemingly well thought out analysis of the particular companies of interest and the macroeconomic conditions that affect them. “Obvious” picks seem to be readily apparent. The problem with this predictive approach, in my opinion, is that it is often the unknown […]

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The Morgan Report Q3 2021 Review — Crypto Breakthrough & Employee Stock Options

posted on October 20th 2021 in Financial Planning & Market Commentary with 0 Comments

It’s not often investors are able to see the inner workings of a truly brilliant trading strategy in a cutting-edge sector of the investment world, in this case cryptocurrency. Many unique investment strategies are often driven by “black box” quantitative machines using computer algorithms investors aren’t privy to lest their secrets be revealed. This obfuscation […]

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The Morgan Report Q2 2021 Review – Invest in Coffee!

The Morgan Report Q2 2021 Review - Invest in Coffee!

On July 12, The Wall Street Journal reported coffee prices were soaring due to drought in Brazil, the world’s biggest coffee producer. With the prospects of coffee demand exceeding supply, it would seem readily apparent that coffee prices will continue to climb. Or will they? I must admit I’m not a coffee achiever. My morning […]

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The Morgan Report Q1 2021 Review – An Advocate for Your Values

Couple consulting with a female financial manager at the bank

The last year has been full of challenges that negatively affected our lives. As individuals and families, we’ve had to adjust and be resilient—qualities that will not only help us be successful in life, but in investing as well. The positive throughout this is that it has forced us to minimize the noise in our […]

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The Morgan Report Q4 2020 Review – Lessons Learned

posted on January 25th 2021 in Market Commentary & San Diego CFP Team Posts & WorthPointe News with 0 Comments

African American Businesswoman Working On Laptop In Office.

2020. Whew! I’m sure we’re all glad that’s over with, but as they say, beware what you ask for. Thankfully, my clients have stayed healthy and have mostly relegated to focusing on other areas of their lives like work, family, and emotional well-being. That’s great news, as there are many less fortunate who are still […]

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The Morgan Report Q3 2020 Review – Get Your FAANG’s Out?

posted on October 14th 2020 in Market Commentary & San Diego CFP Team Posts & WorthPointe News with 0 Comments

Up view in financial district, Manhattan, New York.

Our experiences are not only, by definition, our lives; they shape our outlook on our future potential and everything around us. Recent negative experiences can hold us back from achieving those things we want to accomplish in life—sometimes temporarily, or even for a lifetime.  Conversely, recent positive experiences might cause us to be overexuberant, and […]

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The Morgan Report 2020 Q1 Review : The Smell of Flowers Through A Mask

Young blonde woman smells cherry tree blossom through medical mask. Conceptual image of corona virus quarantine and allergy.

“Wow.” When I pause, look out the window, and think about the current state of affairs, that’s the word that most easily slides off the tongue — and I know those of you I’ve spoken with recently share that sentiment. There’s no question we’re all in this together and my first thoughts are for the […]

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Some Rational Thoughts

posted on March 13th 2020 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

coronavirus concept.

You’ve seen the news and we have, too. In fact, we have a careful eye on everything going down – and up. We’ve been hearing from many of you about your concerns.  The market is clearly responding to new information as it becomes known, but the market is pricing in unknowns, too. As risk increases […]

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