
The Morgan Report Q3 2018: Trimming The Sails

posted on October 11th 2018 in Market Commentary & San Diego CFP Team Posts with 0 Comments

Inflation! Interest Rates Rising! Trade Wars! Recession! Have you seen any of these words in headlines lately? Of course you have, because advertisers need to get paid. Do you wonder how these future possibilities affect what you should be doing with your investment strategy? After years of a low interest rate, low inflation environment, and […]

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The Running of the Bulls

posted on September 15th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

The month of August marked an important milestone for the long-running bull market. On August 22, the bull market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, extended its run to 3,453 calendar days, becoming the lengthiest bull market in history, or at least since WWII. While we may celebrate the milestone, let’s take a moment […]

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Tax Traps to Avoid in Retirement

posted on July 31st 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It is a quote that comes down to us from Benjamin Franklin, who uttered the phrase in 1789. Taxes–federal, state, local, sales tax, property tax, gasoline tax, […]

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posted on July 30th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

The tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite, and key measures of mid-sized and small companies touched new highs in June. Much of the underlying momentum can be traced to faster economic growth, rising corporate profits, and still-low interest rates. Another factor that lends support–S&P 500 companies repurchased a record $189.1 billion of their own shares in the first […]

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Some Financial Advice Beyond the College Dormitory

posted on July 30th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Congratulations! We know you’ve already heard that from family and friends, but after four years of college — or more if you have obtained an advanced degree — you deserve it. And the well-wishing cheers go beyond Johnny or Jane; well done, mom and dad! A couple of weeks ago, one of our advisors was […]

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5 Steps to Reducing Healthcare Costs in Retirement

posted on June 14th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Healthcare costs will be the biggest expense for most retirees. It’s not a pleasant prospect, but it is a reality. A 65-year-old couple that left the workforce in 2017 will spend an average of $275,000 to cover medical expenses through retirement, according to the latest retiree healthcare cost estimate provided by Fidelity Benefits Consulting. That’s […]

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Is Now the Time to Convert your IRA into a Roth?

posted on May 9th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

There are many different ways you can shelter your savings from taxes. It is a powerful incentive for us to save for retirement. Options give us choices, but choices can confuse as options proliferate. In the name of simplicity, we’ll avoid what is sometimes called the “alphabet soup” of retirement accounts. Instead, let’s spend a […]

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A Sea of Tranquility — Not!

posted on May 7th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Last year, stocks marched higher with only minor pullbacks. When the year ended, the largest peak-to-trough decline for the S&P 500 Index was just under 3%. It was a year that lacked turbulence and rewarded diversified investors. Since the beginning of February, volatility has returned. It’s a reminder that periods of relative tranquility don’t last […]

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Busting the 5 Biggest Retirement Myths

posted on April 18th 2018 in Market Commentary with 0 Comments

Urban legends, urban myths, and fake news. Whatever you call it, in our age of information, claims of spurious repute can go viral in minutes. Anyone with a computer can start a blog and offer up opinions on just about any subject, whether he or she is an authority or not. Sources? Who needs sources? […]

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